Monday, August 26, 2013

Cycle 2, Week 1 - Geography


Since Geography this week deals with Continents and Oceans, I thought it would be fun to get the kids up, moving and working together.

After reviewing the names of the continents and the oceans and where they are located on the globe, I think it would be fun to assemble a human globe!

To do this, put the name of each continent on piece of heavy paper and tie a string around it so that it can be worn around the neck. Randomly give each kid a continent and then the whole class has to work together to assemble a human globe... you can even include the oceans and get the parents to play!

I made a pdf. of all the oceans and continents. CLICK HERE to view/print. I'm going to print them out on heavy paper and hole punch each side (where the circles are), then thread yarn through each circle so the kids can wear them around their neck.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cycle 2, Week 1 - Name Game


Classical Conversations (CC) is starting up again and I feel like I've been on a long vacation and now real life is kicking in! It's a good thing! Vacations on fun but we live in the real world. CC is a lot of work it is also a lot of fun!

I'm entering year two as a Tutor and I decided that this year I will do a fun name game during Week 1's Grammar Review to help break the ice! We have the whole rest of the year to review material, lets get to know one another!

Here is a list of some fun name games that you can play with your class!

Spot the Difference:
Players should be paired up.  All players divide into two lines (facing in) shoulder to shoulder, with partners facing each other.  Participants should be given approximately 30 seconds to look at their partners, taking in all details about the individual.  The leader then instructs the two lines to turn and face away from the center.  One or both lines has 15-20 seconds to change something about their appearance (i.e. change a watch to different wrist, unbutton a button, remove a belt, etc.).  The change must be discrete, but visible to the partner.  The players again turn in to face each other and have 30 seconds to discover the physical changes that have been made.  Players get to interact with each other and have fun!

Each person in the group is given a small piece of paper with the name of a nursery rhyme or other song written on the paper. (i.e. “Row, row, row your boat,” “Rock-a-bye baby,” etc.)  All of the people who are given the song must hum that tune and fine everyone else singing the song.  They then form a group.

Two teams line up side by side.  The first person in line runs up and around a cone and back with a bean bag on his/her head.  He/she has to say the next person's name before handing them the bean bag. The next person take the bag, places it on their head and runs around the cone, etc. The game ends when one team completes the relay.  That team wins.  

Have your group divide itself into two groups.  Tell them to sit on the floor facing each other.  Hold up a blanket between the groups so that each team can not see the other.  A member of each team is quietly selected to move up to the blanket.  On the count of three, drop the blanket so that each of the selected members are facing each other.  Whoever says the other person’s name first, wins.  Whoever loses, goes to the other team.

Each participant takes a turn at picking a comic frame out of the large container.  After the entire group has each chosen one, the participants begin to search for others with the same comic strip sequence.  After the participants have found everyone in their group, they must arrange themselves so that the sequence of frames are in chronological order to form the comic strip correctly.  Upon completion of sequence, the newly formed group sits down together.  Great game to break large group into smaller groups.

Have group stand and form a circle.  When the group is in position, a volunteer is asked to stand in the middle of the circle.  The volunteer is to close his/her eyes and keep them closed throughout their entire time in the center.  A person standing in the circle is then given a small object.  When the center person says, “Start!”, the object is to be passed around the circle counterclockwise from one participant to the next.  The center person can call out “Stop!” at any time.  The center person opens their eyes and has to say the name of the person holding the object. If they get it right, that person is in the middle, if they get it wrong, they stay in the middle.  Game continues until everyone has a turn.

The group starts in a circle formation.  The leader of the group will begin with one object in hand (i.e. a small ball).  The leader will ask one group member to repeat their name, and then the leader will gently toss the object to that group member.  The group member will reply “Thank you, (the leader’s name)!” The leader will reply by saying, “Your welcome, (the individual’s name)!”  The object will continue around the circle in the same manner, making sure everyone has received the object, until the object ends up in the hands of the original leader.  NOTE: During the first round, once a group member has tossed the object, have them cross their arms to prevent repetition.  The same pattern will start again with the leader adding more objects.  Once an object has been dropped, the pattern starts all over with the first object.  NOTE: The leader should mix up sizes and shapes of objects (i.e. a rubber chicken, toilet paper, etc.)

Great high energy game to help participants begin to feel more comfortable in new group.  Give each participant a sheet with various tasks and ask them to complete it when you say, “GO!”

CLICK HERE for a sample task sheet

Have everyone stand in a circle.  Anyone can begin the game by saying his/her name and demonstrating a [physical] motion to go with it.  When the person is done, the entire group repeats the name and the motion.  Then, the second person (on either side of the first) introduces him/herself and does a motion.  The entire group repeats that name/motion and then the first name/motion.  This will continue until each person has given their name and done their motion, and the entire group has repeated everyone’s name and motions. 

One person is the “Whomp ‘Em Master.”  That individual stands in the middle of circle with the “Whomp ‘Em Sword.”  (Could use Styrofoam tube or rolled up tube of newsprint, etc.)  The rest of the group sits in a circle with legs out toward center of circle (leaving enough room for person standing in middle).  The object of the game is for the “Whomp ‘Em Master” to get stuck in the middle of circle.  Someone starts off round by saying the name of a member of the group.  The Master must “Whomp” (hit) the legs of that member, before that member says the name of another member.  The game goes on until the Master hits an individual before that individual can say another person’s name (can not repeat name that has been said in round already.)  When the Master succeeds in “Whomping” an individual, that individual becomes the new Master.  Quite crazy...but loads of fun!  Best if played following another name game, so individuals have a sense of who each other is.

These games were found on THIS SITE. There were a lot, so I picked the ones that I thought were the most applicable!

Good Luck This Week!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Homeschooling - What I know so far

September 2012 I officially became a homeschool mom. WOW! It's been an upward learning curve and he's only 5! I get a lot of questions about our decision to keep AJ home from traditional school. This week I'll review the Challenges, Blessings, How Our Family Does School and FAQ about homeschooling.

I am FAR from being an expert, but if you’re considering homeschooling, this is what I know (so far):


It’s a BIG choice
I’ve never met a homeschooler who didn’t, at least once, doubt their decision. I don’t believe that anyone enters into this lifestyle casually.

I always wonder if AJ and Si will look back years from now and hate me for not having had the experience of regular school. I wonder if I’m doing everything ‘right’. I wonder if they’re learning too much, too little, too fast, too slow. I wonder if they have enough play time, friend time, music time, exposure to sports, time reading, etc… I wonder, I hope, I fret, I pray, I pray, I pray…..

You are everything
Homeschooling is not just learning it’s schooling, and school includes Math, Science, English, History, Music, Art, Drama, Physical Education, Home Ec, Health Education, Social Interaction, Religious Education (if applicable), etc.

Some days I feel overwhelmed by the AMOUNT of ‘stuff’ I need to include in my day. Not only do I have to provide schooling for my children, I have to mind the house, myself and my husband! And my kids are only 3 and 5!!!! Homeschooling can be is overwhelming. Thankfully:

"My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me." 2Corinthians 12:9
Everyone has an opinion
I get everything from ‘WOW that is awesome!’ to ‘Oh, really?’. Everyone has an opinion about whether homeschooling is the right path for your family.

It’s expensive
In relation to private schools that can cost anywhere from $7,000 - $20,000 a year, homeschooling is less expensive. But, if you consider that sending your child to public school is ‘free’, homeschooling can cost a lot!

Curriculum costs anywhere from $300 - $1,000
Homeschool co-ops can cost money
Art/Music class
Field trips
Child care
Loss of income for the stay-at-home parent

Tune in tomorrow when I review the overwhelming Blessings of Homeschool.